Welcome to Rail Record – Live Train Timetables & Live Train Updates

Wecome to Rail Record. Rail Record is a UK train times and live train schedules website which provides realtime train information for trains across the UK. Rail Record will provide information on train lateness, including where the train currently is and how late its running. Rail Record will also show you a list of train services at a station on a given date, as well as historical train running information. We’re hoping to give you train historical data as far back into the future as possible, but we don’t have a firm estimate yet. Rail Record is still in development, and the live running information is not yet live. We hope to get Rail Record live and running properly with all features accessible, for January 2019.

Rail Record aims to:

  • Provide real time data, using the Network Rail Data Feeds service for 99% of UK (exc NI) train services.
  • Offer a nice, clean, mobile responsive layout which makes searching for trains easy, especially when on mobile.
  • On station search page, we plan to have a nice clean table layout with only the required info. From station, To station, Platform, Arrival Time and STP indicator (probably colour coded). We’ll also have a view more button, perhaps a magnifying glass or the like to symbolise “More Detail”.
  • The More Detail page, at the top will have a summary of the service: XX:XX FROM station to TO station, then underneath the operator: GB Railfreight, Thameslink, Harsco etc. Beneath that will be a nice clean table of the calling points of that service, along with timings and lateness.
  • And then underneath the timetable will be a collapsable/spoiler section containing more advanced detail. It’ll include headcode (subject to availability), service code, timing loads, a basic copy/paste timings table, and a few more bits.

The primary goal is a nice responsive, fast and easy to use train times website which benefits everyone from railway enthusiasts to everyday commuters.

We hope you look forward to Rail Record. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to use our resources from the main menu.

Author: matt

Owner of Rail Record

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2 years ago

Not impressed by the new format, old one was so much easier to operate. Sorry, not a fan.