On Track Plant – Volker Rail Beaver Tamper

Volker Rail Beaver Lightweight Tamper

This is an informational article for railway enthusiasts about the Volker Rail “Beaver” Tamper. Rail Record website does not supply track maintenance vehicles.

Volker Beaver Tamper
A Volker Rail lightweight tamper is seen on a level crossing at Newhaven Harbour during engineering work at Newhaven Marine aggregate sidings.

The Beaver tamper is a lightweight track tamper owned by Volker Rail. It has a top speed of 20mph and due to this, it is taken to work sites by lorry, rather than self propelled on the mainline.

The Volker Rail Beaver tamper has 4 arms at each corner of the machine which extend, support, and lift the unit.

Volker Beaver Tamper Front
Arms beside each cab on each side stablise the tamper whilst it is lifted off the ground. The arms at each end lift the machine.

A centre pivot extends from underneath the tamper, which is used to help rotate the machine once off the ground. Following rotation, the centre pivoting arm can be retracted, and the lorry can be positioned underneath the tamper before taking it away.

Volker Beaver Tamper
The Beaver tamper is rotated on a pivot at the middle of the machine as seen in the photograph. The workers can then push it round facing the right direction.

Tampers are used in engineering possessions to compact freshly laid ballast around the railway sleepers.

Volker Beaver Tamper on lorry
The tamper is taken away by lorry to the next work site.
Author: matt

Owner of Rail Record

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Mark Stuart
Mark Stuart
5 years ago


I’m a Track Maintenance Engineer for NetworkRail on the Anglia Route based at Romford and would be interested in the Beaver Tamper. We are suffering with weak embankments currently.

5 years ago

Hi mark if you send a email
Daniel.wade@volkerrail.co.uk if is the me for the tamper